Avital Ronell

Avital Ronell
“To make things 'perfectly clear' is reactionary and stupefying. The real is not perfectly clear.”
Avital Ronell philosopher and Professor of German and Comparative Literature at the New York University. She is one of the most influential and revolutionary philosophers and thinkers of our time. She studied in Berlin with Hans-Georg Gadamer, at Princeton University as well as by Hélène Cixous und Jacques Derrida in Paris, with whom she taught together at NYU. In her work, she has written extensively about deconstruction, poststructuralism, technical philosophy, feminist philosophy, political theory and psychoanalysis. Some of her most important publications are „Loser Sons: Politics and Authority“ (2012), „Fighting Theory“ (2010, together with Anne Dufourmantelle), „Stupidity“ (2002), „The Telephone Book: Technology — Schizophrenia — Electric Speech“ (1989). 2009 Judith Butler wrote about her: „The different path that Ronell takes is precisely the path of difference: gay, difficult, affirmative, ironic.“ (in: Reading Ronell, 2009).